

What’s New in Version 1.8.41 · ALLIANCES ARE HERE! 

Join a friend’s Alliance or create your own. Chat with your Alliance and share Knights to use as free bonus Heroes to explore more Places of Legend!

**You must be at least Level 10 to see this feature.

You will have 2 quests to teach you how to start building an Alliance.

The Embassy Ruins is located to the right of your Castle, behind Glurb’s bridge. This will be the location of your Royal Embassy.

You will need to FB connect to use Alliances.

After you FB connect you will be able to click on the Royal Embassy to bring up the list of Alliances. you can browse or search for your friend’s Alliance, or create your own!

If you want to have your own Alliance, click the Create Alliance tab. Place a name and a Motto (optional). You can adjust the settings on who can join. If you want to be in control of access, you can set that as well. You can also set the minimum level your Alliance members need to be.

Choose a flag color for your Alliance:

Your Royal Embassy will display the flag you have chosen, or the Alliance Flag you are a member of.

Once it’s created you will see your alliance window where you can invite friends.

Your inbox will show you Alliance invites where you can join your friend’s Alliance if you choose not to create your own.

You can join a friend’s Alliance BUT you will leave any other Alliance you are a member of, even if you created your own.

You can only be in 1 Alliance.

You will be able to Chat with members in your Alliance. You can request Knights and say whatever you want to each other. This will come in handy when you need certain items to be placed in Sea Trading!

What are Knights used for?

When you have Knight ready to be used you will see him standing guard outside your Castle.

He can be used once a day to explore a Places of Legend as an additional hero! Knights expire after 24 hours, so you must use them or you’ll need to dismiss them and ask for new ones from your Alliance.

Once your Knight is finished with exploring the Places of Legend you will see this window to remove him. You can then go to your Alliance Chat and request a new Knight from your Alliance.

Why join an alliance.
  • Request and send Knights to help explore Places of Legend.
  • Chat with other members of your alliance.
  • Trade with alliance members using the alliance tab of Sea Trading
In an active alliance, members ask in chat when they need items for a quest, for Liang, or for Glurb. Other members that have those items, send them on their ships. Anything you send on a ship can be bought by anyone else, but with chat, you know in advance that a needed item will be there. If you're fast, you can almost always buy it before anyone else does.

Members will even make things that you need, sharing the work of feeding Glurb, and getting Liang's orders filled quickly. You make things for them, they make things for you. If they need cheese, and you need blueberries, you each have an empty workshop that the other needs. By sharing the workload, you both finish sooner, and get more pearls frm Liang and goodies from Glurb.

There are 3 tabs in the Sea Trading box.
  • The top tab is global. Everyone can see all of the ships here.
  • The middle tab is your facebook friends. Only your facebook friends show up in this tab.
  • The bottom tab is your alliance. Only your alliance members show up here.

When you trade within your alliance, use the bottom tab.

You can load your ship with the things you most want to sell. Before you ship, use chat to let the alliance know what you're sending. If they need something you're shipping, they can grab it quickly before anyone else does.

If your ship isn't full, ask in chat if anyone needs something. If you have what they want, load it. If not, just tell them you don't have any.

If you need something, let the person know. This way, you can make sure everyone's ready when the ship goes out.

Remember: Make sure the person you're sending to is ready, then tell them you're sending it. This way they can jump n there quickly an grab it before someone on the global trading market grabs it.

It's always nice to ask if anyone needs anything before you're sending out your ship.

The awesome thing about having a lot of Castleville Legends Friends on Facebook
  • Send and receive Quick Spells.
  • Use the special friends tab in Sea Trading

You can send one Quick Spells to each of your facebook friends every 12 hours. Quick spells let you finish resources instantly. Your friends are separate from your alliance, but you can make friends with your alliance members and trade Quick Spells.

You can't chat with your friends within the game, unless they're also in your alliance. You'll have to find another way to chat and coordinate what you're shipping. If you can chat with them, you can use the Sea Trading friends tab to quickly focus on what your friends are sending.

Happy Playing!


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